Fiction: Awkward

61yATZrvzjL._SX346_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg Book: Awkward
Author: Svetlana Chmakova

Cardinal rule #1 for surviving school: Don't get noticed by the mean kids.
Cardinal rule #2 for surviving school: Seek out groups with similar interests and join them.
On her first day at her new school, Penelope--Peppi--Torres reminds herself of these basics. But when she trips into a quiet boy in the hall, Jaime Thompson, she's already broken the first rule, and the mean kids start calling her the "nerder girlfriend." How does she handle this crisis? By shoving poor Jaime and running away!
Falling back on rule two and surrounding herself with new friends in the art club, Peppi still can't help feeling ashamed about the way she treated Jaime. Things are already awkward enough between the two, but to make matters worse, he's a member of her own club's archrivals--the science club! And when the two clubs go to war, Peppi realizes that sometimes you have to break the rules to survive middle school!


  1. Kimberly:I loved this book because the author turned one noral school day into something really eventful and exciting.
    Twitter question for author: Which character could you relate to the most and why? What was your biggest dilemma in making the graphic novel?

  2. This was really funny! I liked the teacher that made too much printouts and this quote
    "Where is Mr. Ramirez?"
    "Making photocopies"
    I know that was not exactly the same as in the book but it was memorable! Funny book!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
